Stockholm Design Lab
Tinned herring
IKEA Food Services
Tinned herring
Tinned herring
The packaging should provoke interest in the product as well as present it in a clear, honest and appetizing way. The product should express the key values: reliability, quality, Swedishness.
Challenges: To be immediate and creative within very strict boundaries, such as:
- Swedish headings are used worldwide (putting high demands on the design to be self-explanatory and inspirational at the same time)
- Only IKEA's house font Verdana can be used, in set style and sizes.
3. The Intent: What point of view did you bring to the project, and were there additional criteria that you added to the brief?To keep it simple and optimize the packaging material as a part of the design. Add a humorous twist, a twinkle in the eye to a an old packaging type and an ordinary commodity. The modern take on a classic tin packaging.4. The Process: Describe the rigor that informed your project. (Research, ethnography, subject matter experts, materials exploration, technology, iteration, testing, etc., as applicable.) What stakeholder interests did you consider? (Audience, business, organization, labor, manufacturing, distribution, etc., as applicable)We had to think global, as IKEA has 267 stores attracting a total of 590 million visitor.
We had to secure a complex production of the lid (consisting of three pieces), where the graphic design in the end looks like one unit - a herring. Also we had to take into consideration the strict global logistic, distribution, freight, environmental and stacking restrictions of IKEA.
5. The Value: How does your project earn its keep in the world? What is its value? What is its impact? (Social, educational, economic, paradigm-shifting, sustainable, environmental, cultural, gladdening, etc.)IKEAs private food label was introduced in 2006, focusing on Swedish recipes made with quality products to a low price. The product is sold at IKEA stores all over the world and is aimed to attract food lovers - who are interested and curious about different food cultures, particularly Swedish ones.
Modern, whimsical, expressive