Jeongdae Kim
Fortune Pill
University of the Arts Bremen
Fortune Pill
Fortune Pill
Some people wake up in the morning and take some pills for the day. Other people wake up and think about what could happen that day. For these people, who get up and take some pills everyday, it is one of many tedious things, that should just not be forgotten. Fortune Pill will give a small pleasure to foretell your fortune for the day from a message.
2. The Brief: Summarize the problem you set out to solve. What was the context for the project, and what was the challenge posed to you?According to life extension the population is aging and there are lots of people concerning about their health. The number of people who take medicine regularly is also growing. For these people it is just one of many tedious things, that should just not be forgotten like a part of everyday routine.
3. The Intent: What point of view did you bring to the project, and were there additional criteria that you added to the brief?People, who take pills regularly concerning their health, mostly just expect vague effect of pills and people, who take pills because of a certain disease, sometimes have an unstable mental state. For these both groups of people it is just one of many tedious things to take pills. I hoped that from a small change taking pills make them happy and they find it awaiting part of everyday routine. I experienced the feeling when opening fortune cookie and wondered what message is written on the paper hopping good message. So I tried to combine these two experiences.
4. The Process: Describe the rigor that informed your project. (Research, ethnography, subject matter experts, materials exploration, technology, iteration, testing, etc., as applicable.) What stakeholder interests did you consider? (Audience, business, organization, labor, manufacturing, distribution, etc., as applicable)To implement my idea I agonized to get a way and shape how to open a packaging for pill with the similar hand motion, that is originally needed for fortune cookie. I decided to redesign from the packaging of pill, that must be teared from the bottom. I found the form based on many sketching and mock up making phase, and then I considered the dimension of packaging and pill, size of paper for message and typo for that.
5. The Value: How does your project earn its keep in the world? What is its value? What is its impact? (Social, educational, economic, paradigm-shifting, sustainable, environmental, cultural, gladdening, etc.)I believe that package design is only not just for the outside but it could assist contents for emotion or interest of users. To take contents from inside we are required breaking or opening the outside of pills and fortune cookies. Although the same motion we have totally different feelings when opening pills and fortune cookies. Now this new packaging concept help people feel better and have an emotional care.
We loved this concept, so much insight and care.
My father would smile everyday and look forward to eating his pills.