In case of gas leaks, a few seconds make the difference between life and death for oil and gas industry workers. A fluent and intuitive scenario of use, allows Airscape users to breath safely in less than two seconds, and to escape risky areas faster than ever.
Airscape is an emergency product designed to escape dangerous areas. It is placed in hazardous areas. As soon as a risk is detected by the personal device of the worker, the user will run and get one of this product, providing between 10 and 20 minutes of clean breathing, in order to be able to safely escape the danger zone. Aiscape is made up of two small size compressed air cylinder, one gas mask covering eyes, nose and mouth, and a protective bag. It is reusable.
The goal was to create an intuitive product which will require no training for being able to use it. The use of Airscape is not limited to the refinery and professional environment, but public or private space located close to a danger zone could ideally be equipped with this new kind of emergency breathing apparatus. Coming with a mouthpiece as can be found in scuba diving equipment, Airscape is safe of sealing leaks for bearded users also.
The product is composed by a bag holding and protecting the air cylinders from scratches and heat. The gas mask is integrated into the bag hole shape, and the mask straps are hidden in the bag foam thickness. The final bag is covered by a high visibility yellow fabric, reflecting light in darkness. The bottom is covered by a high resistance fabric to keep the product looking clean. Only two information icons are needed on the product, placed on the front. A handle is placed on the back, in case the product needs to follow the potential user in a risky task, but it is made to be already hanging in every risky area.
Airscape is a solution to eliminate the waste of precious seconds on the "pulling-on" process of emergency breathing apparatus. It maximizes the use of a non-interrupted gesture, in order to pull-on the product and put-on the gas mask at once. Also, balance and weight are used to facilitate the process and optimized as part of the overall intuitive feeling: No strap to pull and no product adjustment are needed according to user morphology, Airscape adapts to everyone and anyone. By providing a simplified scenario, Airscape is designed to increase the trust in the product and the feeling of using it correctly, so users can focus on what is important in the circumstances of use, escape and save their lives. The process to put on the product is now reduced to less than 2 seconds, making a real improvement, considering the minimum of 8 seconds needed for the current product today in the refinery.
The gas mask is built around a central piece acting as a structural element and allowing to decrease the amount of parts in the gas mask composition. This piece is the transparent shield, on which every part of the gas mask is connected together, also the tightening straps. This result in an even pressure on the entire rubber skirt, giving a better sealing contact as well as an improved comfort.
Within one or two seconds you can pull it over your head and breathe clean air. It’s so simple.
The good process thinking and ergonomics could save your life in a life and death situation.?
Simple, yet iconic. You can find it and attach it very easily and very fast in case of an emergency. It’s simply well done.