We started to work on the idea of Brum Brum balance bikes 2 years ago when Krisjanis Jermaks gathered the team of friends to make something special. The basic cornerstone was to keep it simple, ecofriendly and designed for our own children. So there was only one way to make it - premium quality. Balance bike helps to develop child's sense of balance and kinetics. Brum Brum balance bike was designed to have natural suspension which greatly helps little rider to make his first steps to riding experience. We managed to maintain clean design and still add some technical innovations. Brum Brum bike has already been awarded with design awards (Good Design Award 2015, A design award 2015). At this point we have reached the point when we are ready for production of our unique wooden balance bike.
In Brum Brum bike frame we use the highest quality Baltic birch and oak plywood to ensure the durability and natural suspension we get from bended frame. Lightweight 12' duraluminium "finger safe" alloy wheels custom designed for Brum Brum. The tyres don't need air: they are puncture-proof and retain their shape even if there happens to be something sharp on the road. The height adjustment system changes not only the height of the frame but wheel base as well therefore adjusting height is more natural. All parts holds together with just one construction screw. That altogether makes our unique balance bike.
A fantastically simple and extremely efficient approach with no loss in relevance to project aim.
A wonderful example of using natural material to solve a problem. Exceptionally developed – including size adjustability - and built.