Jumpstart converts kinetic energy generated by exercise into electricity which is stored in the handle. It can be accessed through USB 3-A (Common USB Head) and USB 3-C (Lightning Cable) to power miniature devices such as phones, wireless earbuds amongst other.It's strength lie in having a generator in each handle, thereby maximizing your workout and charge at the same time. Jumpstart offers users the combination of both a generator and battery within your grasp allowing you to access power at your fingertips with a cardio session.
I began by focusing my research on kinetic energy generators and found that there are many similarities between the generators and exercise equipment. After comparing different types of equipment and how a generator could be applied, I chose the jump rope because of its portability and ease of use. Moreover, the jump rope had positive user reception and has an ergonomic design.
I found inspiration by observing hand cranks and realizing that through the gesture it was similar to a jump rope.