This is the project for the MFA thesis book of the artist Jeehee Kang.
This is the project for the MFA thesis book of the artist Jeehee Kang. The thesis book contains her writings and the photos of the works from her two years of the graduate school.
Majority of her works is study of tracing of objects surrounding her. Therefore, her works show lots of losses of the original shapes and colors and she describes her works as a poetry of transcendence.
I focused on the features of losses for the concept of this thesis book. The book has a very simple grid system and maintains wide white spaces and a calm voice of typography throughout the spreads to achieve the goal of showing the features of her works. However, the headlines of her writings were treated as like poets which resembles the randomness of losses from her works.
As a result, this thesis book shows her works best with keeping the concept of losses but not inverting the hierarchy of the importances between the design and her works.
beautiful presentation