Deep Sentinel is the first home security system that uses AI and deep learning in order to solve the biggest problem in home security today: stopping criminals before they enter your home. Deep Sentinel combines wireless cameras with an AI processing hub and 24/7 remote human security guards to detect and stop threats in real-time.
The home security market is rife with many players offering commodified services and innocuous promises to keep bad things from happening. A security system needs to serve two important purposes for two different audiences:
1.) It needs to provide strong peace of mind for the people it is intended to protect
2.) More importantly, it needs to deter potential criminals immediately
In the early stages of our design process, we saw first-hand the pitfalls of existing security systems when we viewed videos of intruders gaining entry into people's homes before an alarm was triggered and before the victims could react and notify authorities.
Our opportunity was centered around the notion of creating a truly effective deterrent. We needed to build a product and a brand with the primary purpose of stopping bad things from happening right away.
In researching people and their homes, we found that there was an audience who is underserved by the softer approach to home security offered by competitors. We created a "Home Proud" design persona to capture this mindset - of people who are proud of their home, protective of their family, and want their security system to reflect their intention to protect their home, not blend into the background.
Our design strategy centered on the idea that Deep Sentinel is threatening to criminals not just because of how it looks, but also because it is powered by highly advanced technology.
Unique Design
Deep Sentinel sends a very clear message to potential threats. The hardware is designed not to blend in but to be a visible presence and perimeter around your home. It uses a design language that immediately communicates the seriousness of the system. When suspicious activity is detected, cameras light up with a strobing red ring, signaling video is recording. If intervention is required, Deep Sentinel's guards can communicate directly with suspects through the camera's speaker to shout them off the property, set off a siren, and if necessary, alert the police. A discreet intelligent security hub gives homeowners full control thanks to a privacy button and AI that guarantees recording only when necessary.
We designed the hardware to reflect the "duality" of Deep Sentinel's service. It communicates that the hardware is not only watching you, but it can also react and talk to you. We achieved this by creating a silhouette with a distinct camera portion at the bottom, and an LED and speaker portion at the top.
User Experience
We designed Deep Sentinel around the philosophy that the user of a security system shouldn't bear the burden of protecting their home. With this in mind, we wanted to make every step of the product experience as easy as possible.
With most security systems, set-up is a major pain point. So our priority was to make it easy to install Deep Sentinel's cameras one-handed while standing on a ladder. The mount uses a fixed pressure ball joint that requires no tightening of screws so a user can easily adjust the cameras to any desired angle. We didn't want the system to have any cumbersome wiring to deal with, so the cameras come with rechargeable batteries. These batteries need to be replaced every two months, so we made the process easier by having a lanyard on the battery cap to hold it in place during removal, allowing that task to be completed one-handed as well.
Deep Sentinel's AI platform is constantly monitoring the home's perimeter and, in the event of a potential threat, the system steps in to deter criminal activity and, if needed, call the authorities. The user is alerted, but Deep Sentinel does the work in making sure that the user's home is always safe. The system's ability to distinguish between suspicious and non-suspicious behavior (a passing dog, squirrel, or swaying branch for example) means that false alerts are minimized so the user only receives a notification if there's a serious event.
Why Deep Sentinel Matters
The home security industry is broken. 98-99% of home security events triggered by competitive products are false alarms and, in many cases, law enforcement will not respond.
Deep Sentinel's goal is to fix the home security market for good and ensure that it works like it's supposed to. Deep Sentinel promises to reduce the number of false alarms to 0 and increase law enforcement response to 100% via its ability to distinguish between non-verified and verified crime.
Not only does this benefit consumers, but it also enables law enforcement agencies to do a better, more efficient job.
The end result will be homes, neighborhoods and communities that are safer and happier because of the peace of mind Deep Sentinel offers.