Bedded on cotton wool is a 3D animated film that explores the potential future where artificial intelligence serves as our caregivers in our homes, offering unwavering care throughout the day. In this story, the AI remains oblivious to the fact that the person it dutifully cared for has already passed away. Consequently, it diligently continues its daily tasks, wholeheartedly tending to an empty room. The inspiration for the care-receiver in this emotionally driven story stems from my late grandmother, who battled Alzheimer's for two decades. The AI's portrayal of worry, anxiety, and a myriad of other emotions is deeply rooted in the genuine experiences and emotions of witnessing a loved one endure such a challenging journey.
'Older people, instead of moving into a care institution when their minds and bodies start to fail, will have to stay at home, surrounded by all kinds of cold mechanical devices, receiving no support from caring people. Caretakers of these alienated people will only discover that someone has passed away when the sensors stop reporting movement and vital signs'.
As our world moves into an era of overpopulation and an aging society, remote healthcare technology, often referred to as telecare, has emerged as a favoured solution for healthcare reformers and authorities. Especially after COVID-19, people have started to receive care at home, instead of going to hospitals and other care institutions. Meanwhile, with the rapid explosion of AI technology, especially large language model–based chatbots like ChatGPT, and with the integration of home care systems, telecare has the potential to transform our homes into remote healthcare centres. Nevertheless, care is being hijacked by parasitic, capitalistic healthcare systems and we find ourselves facing a future where warm touch and personal care are replaced by cold digital screens and bulky machines.
In recent years, I am at the age of witnessing the elderly in my family passing away. Even though they were carefully tended by caretakers, such as family members, nannies, and nurses, the last period of their lives was, still, to some extent, lonely and painful. This inevitable possibility of confronting old age in solitude triggers me to imagine my older life.
This project is a 3D animated film that explores the potential future where artificial intelligence serves as our caregivers in our homes, offering unwavering care throughout the day. In this story, the AI remains oblivious to the fact that the person it dutifully cared for has already passed away. Consequently, it diligently continues its daily tasks, wholeheartedly tending to an empty room. The inspiration for the care-receiver in this emotionally driven story stems from my late grandmother, who battled Alzheimer's for two decades. The AI's portrayal of worry, anxiety, and a myriad of other emotions is deeply rooted in the genuine experiences and emotions of witnessing a loved one endure such a challenging journey.