Aakash Dewan – DSK International School of Design
“ONEDOWN” is a humane rat trap, working on the BOP toy principle, it creates a new visual association to the usual rat trap.
Aakash Dewan – Student at DSK International School of Design, Pune, India
1. Summarize the problem you set out to solve. What was the challenge posed to you? Did it get you excited and why?
I was given to design a Mouse Trap, this got me really excited as this was a very different brief for the conventional design brief. it was something that was probably neglected before.
The problem of mice is every where and specially in India its a culture not to kill other living things even though its a mouse and that is what triggered me to do a nonviolent mouse trap which people can keep in there houses without noticing that it is actually a mouse trap.
“ONEDOWN” will change the way you trap those rodents. the trap rests precariously in a horizontal position on a circular foot. bait inside would lure the rat into the trap, a metal insert in the base coupled with the weight of the rat will tip the trap and bring it to a vertical position indicating that a rat has been trapped.
2. What point of view did you bring to the challenge? Was there anything additional that you wanted to achieve with this project or bring to this project that was not part of the original brief?
The point of view i was looking at was not to Kill the mice but just to trap them whereas the existing once just kill the mice in the first SNAP...
Here the User has a choice of giving the poor rodent a second chance.
according to the study on mice, once a mouse is trapped in a particular area or trap no other family or group member of that mouse would come back in that area .. ref : Rat Behavior and Biology.
3. When designing this project, whose interests did you consider? (Discuss various stakeholders, audiences, retailing, manufacturing, assembly, distribution, etc., for example.)
While designing this i was look at the Users in the Urban Areas who follow the Indian Culture of not Killing a living thing, as it has been thought to us since a long time.
4. Describe the rigor that informed your design. (Research, ethnography, subject matter experts, materials exploration, technology, iteration, testing, etc., as applicable.) If this was a strictly research or strategy project, please provide more detail here.
My main research was on how a rodent reacts to its environment, how is their Vision , what do they eat , what attracts them the most , what is the story behind a rodent family and the connection of getting trapped.
Reaction of People to Rodents {lose and trapped}
The Indian culture that we follow
5. What is the social value of your design? (Gladdening, educational, economic, paradigm-shifting, sustainable, labor-mindful, environmental, cultural, etc.) How does it earn its keep in the world?
i would say its more culture oriented as the mice is not Killed in the first snap as there is no Snap in Onedown just a simple trap..
6. If you could have done one thing differently with the project, what would you have changed?
the one thing different i would have done is to somehow make it more airy for the rodent.
Harry Allen: I just love a simple solution. This one is so evolved that the jury sort of thought we had seen it before. It could be the product of a traditional culture, perfected over time, crafted in ceramic, but a brief internet search revealed that it was an original design. It is easy to make, humane, and beautiful. My ultimate criteria is always the answer to the question "would I buy this?" and I think I could use a few of these.