Aakash Dewan – DSK ISD International School of Design
DSK ISD International School of Design
“ONEDOWN” is a humane mouse trap, working on the BOP toy principle. It will change the way you trap those pesky rodents. You have the choice to give freedom to the mouse or not. Also, it is non lethal mouse trap…
Aakash Dewan – DSK ISD International School of Design Philippe Vahe – Principal, DSK ISD International School of Design Guillaume Zaslavsky – head of product design studies, DSK ISD International School of Design
1. Summarize the problem you set out to solve. What was the challenge posed to you? Did it get you excited and why?
Kill the animal are not something pleasant as human. As an Indian Hindu, it is not allowed to kill animal. The existing mouse trap are not enough integrated to the kitchen and they are lethal for animal and human.
2. What point of view did you bring to the challenge? Was there anything additional that you wanted to achieve with this project or bring to this project that was not part of the original brief?
The original brief was "how to improve the life with animal" with new solutions. It is an exploration project, we found many other solutions.
3. When designing this project, whose interests did you consider? (Discuss various stakeholders, audiences, retailing, manufacturing, assembly, distribution, etc., for example.)
The attitude of the mouse. We try to improve the mouse experience and the human experience.
4. Describe the rigor that informed your design. (Research, ethnography, subject matter experts, materials exploration, technology, iteration, testing, etc., as applicable.) If this was a strictly research or strategy project, please provide more detail here.
We achieved prototypes and experiment to the reality.
5. What is the social value of your design? (Gladdening, educational, economic, paradigm-shifting, sustainable, labor-mindful, environmental, cultural, etc.) How does it earn its keep in the world?
The human who do not want to kill mouse will have the solution. The Hindu [more than 1 000 000 000 peoples] will have a real mouse trap !
6. If you could have done one thing differently with the project, what would you have changed?
To propose different type of sizes for Mouse, Rat and other animals...
Designing a better mousetrap is often cited as an ultimate design challenge. That challenge is taken up here, and with a wonderful element of compassion for the trapped mouse (very appealing to Asian sensibilities) and of ethical judgment for the captor. There is also a welcome element of fun in the approach.